Thursday, September 24, 2009

While We're on the Subject of Frogs...

This is what I found in my office tonight.
I heard some scratching noise in the corner. Thought perhaps it was our cat. She's doing strange things right now. She's in heat, Lord help us all. (I swear I will call the vet tomorrow to schedule the "procedure"!). dawned on me that her bell was tinkling down the hall, not in the corner beside me.
Hmmmm, after closer inspection, I spotted a frog, sitting on a box under my little bookcase. Now tell me, just how in tarnation does a damn frog get into your house? Can you imagine the blood-curdling scream that would have come from my mouth in the middle of the night if I had stepped on this frog on one of the many trips I take around our house to 1) Let the whining dog out. 2) Shut the howling cat in the laundry room. 3) Turn the air con down cuz I woke up sweating. 4) Put clothes in the dryer cuz I can't seem to get it done during normal hours. or 5) Make the ever popular trip to the bathroom?
I holler to my son, "Com'mere, com'mere! Come catch this dang frog!" Expecting him to come running to my aid... quickly...HA! But he tells me that it's a toad, not a froooog!!! What's the difference, I ask. "uh, duh...toads give you warts, and I ain't touching it!" The thought runs through my head, what kind of boy are you? And then I say it out loud, oops! Aren't ALL boys supposed to like frogs? Isn't it just an old wives tale about toads and warts? Com'mon boy, get with the program! Quit being a sissy and catch this thing before your momma freeeeaks! Weren't you and your cousin just pokin' a dead deer a few days ago? (photos coming soon).
He did finally get it to jump into a box and tossed it outside. But all night long I keep catching myself peering into that corner! And for the most part, what did I have boys for if I can't count on them to catch critters that want to make their home inside MY home? huh?
over and out

Monday, September 21, 2009

Why did the frog cross the road?

(there were no frogs harmed in the post of this blog)
Throughout my drive home from work tonight, I must have seen a dozen or more frogs hopping across the road. Why is it that the old riddle speaks of chickens crossing the road?? I have never, ever seen a chicken cross the road. It's always frogs (and sometimes caterpillars). I do try to not run over them. It's hard tho, they're hopping, hopping, hopping. I wonder....where are they going? Some hop from the left to the right, while others are hopping from the right to the left. It's not like there's been a big frog conference and they decided that they all needed to live on the West side of the road, except for the ones that hit their snooze button (more than once), overslept and missed the meeting. And these are country frogs. You'd think that once their sticky, little foot pads hit the asphalt, they would notice that it's foreign ground and turn around and go back to familiar surroundings. But no! They keep. on. going. What are they looking for? If it's more do they know there's more on the other side? They don't. But they are taking the chance. Whatever it is that's calling them, they are listening. They are not stagnant. I might take a lesson from the frogs.

I am assuming they are going toward something and not running away from something, lol